Thursday, August 27, 2009

R u there?

As I'm driving North (what's new) today, I was entertaining myself with an audio CD and the author was speaking about being present in the here and now - a much-discussed and practiced idealogy in my yoga classes. Just as she says, "Right here. Right now." I notice a big-wheeler on the side of the road and the driver must have been checking something in the back because he flung open the rear door. There - in big, bold, blue graffiti letters this message awaited me....."R u there?"
I scribble.
(The ever-popular notes to self.)
Here's what the author had for me next (loosely quoted).......
"As humans, we are much like fish......we are always trying to squirm away from some distress or flopping around, hungrily seeking never-ending pleasure.
So I ask you......"R YOU there?"

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009


ay, the synergy

"like nothing ever"


is Me

"beware-d" or not

the risk lies in

an illusion

wired hot

be zapped by the surge

grasping, seizing

life force


reenacted screams

of a girl

as she


to a shredded hem

dragged, and then left

never to return
