Tuesday, September 29, 2009

YOU Complete Me

Dear Students,
I absolutely love it when you leave my class smiling and feeling good.  What you may not know is that I sometimes sit alone in the classroom after you leave and bask in the energy.  I am so grateful to you......

Friday, September 18, 2009

Winding, Driving, Perfect Timing *screeeeeeeeeeeech*, a.k.a., WE make plans, The Big Hand just laughs

As I greet today with my foot propped up, drinking some respiratory health concoction from a "Life is Good" mug (should I have chosen the "Life is Crap" one intead?), I don't know whether to chuckle at myself, or cry, or be simply astounded at how unbelievably humanly dim-witted I still am.
Today is the day I have anxiously anticipated and worked
really hard towards for some - eh, six months? ....And this is how I am starting it off?!
See.....according to
Tina's plan, I should/would be gathering "stuff," preparing last minute presentations, shopping at the local supermarket, ironing clothes, and probably being a wee bit nervous, but very excited, nevertheless. Today was to have been the inaugural event for my women's collective - Faces of Eve.
But........it seems
somebody had other plans for me!
I teeter between angry and amused as I envision this
somebody reaching down into my life as if it were that old 70's board game --- moving pieces like pawns, spinning the wheel out of turn, and even *gasp* drawing a "lose your turn" card on my behalf?! Wait just a damn minute! I don't know whether to stand up for myself or tip the table over and storm out of the room! Angry. Amused.
Oh! Sorry! Back to the reality that is
--- Life......
I sit and wonder (about today's event) --- "What the hell happened?!"
A review of the past few months (hereinafter known as "The Great Tsunami of 2009") reveals that I was indeed
present and hell-bent on staying at that game table. I did all the "right things" in preparation for this event.....investing time, energy and money (and this is NOT Monopoly, folks).....marketing, creating, intending, yet - as I felt it slipping through my fingers - I continued to interrogate myself and even my cohort....."Is it the economy? Is it the day and time we chose? Is it the price? Is it the subject matter? WHY are we not getting the response I (the one in charge!) envisioned?"
One of the first things I did this morning, as I do many mornings, was to check the cycle of the Moon on my handy-dandy electronic moon calculator (that we attempt to calculate
Her every move by man-made electronic thingamabobs is humorous in and of itself, dontcha think?!). And, I must confess, my tone was a bit sarcastic as I spoke to "The Big Hand." "The New Moon - a time for new beginnings - how ironic, you Big Dumb Hand!" The fact that I had even gone so far as to pick the "perfect" day, according to the Moon cycle, for this event (but, until just now, had forgotten) shouldn't surprise me, I suppose. Yep, that's me! Angry. Amused.
*fidgets a bit. sips tea. sighs. ponders.*
Hmmmm......given the above, plus my reinjured ankle and "walking pneumonia" diagnosis, I suppose I could justifiably stay in bed and pout today. Yeah, that'll do it. And if "The Big Hand" or anyone else needs more I could throw in my herniated disks and empty nest syndrome. Yeah, that oughtta do it. And - just for good measure - there's always "The Great Tsunami of 2009." There! All perfectly good reasons to sit in a big ole pot o pout! That's what I'll do.
So, I now ask you, my friends, "How do I look in this pout? Is it my color? Does it slim me down a bit? Does it compliment my eyes? Is it 'me'?"
I hobble to my billowing-sheer framed window and notice a little bird on the fence. I actually get to see him in action as he sings his morning song. The Autumn acorn shower commences in my garden. Duke meanders in, his ball cocked sideways in his mouth, and plants his paws on the windowsill beside me. Amused.
I think I need to change my clothes.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Live. And do. Or die.

Apparently an angel decided it may be fun (and perhaps necessary) to take me for a ride......
I awoke this morning with an old Aerosmith melody stuck on replay in the recesses of my mind.
It took me a while, searching the net, to find the song and then the lyrics......
Thanks for the ride, and the awakening, my beloved.
I get it.

Long ago in days untold
Were ruled by lords of greed
Maidens fair, with gold they dared
To bare their wombs that bleed
Kings And Queens and guillotines
Taking lives denied
Starch and parchments laid the laws
When bishops took the ride

Only to deceive

Oh I know I
Lived this life before
Somehow I know now
Truths I must be sure
Tossin' turnin', nightmares burnin'
Dreams of swords in hand
Sailing ships, the viking spits
The blood of father's land

Only to deceive

Living times of knights and mares
Raising swords for maidens fair
Sneer at death, fear only loss of pride
Living other centuries
Deja vu or what you please
Follows true to all who do or die
Screams of no reply
They died
Screams of no reply
And died
Lordy, Lordy, they died

and do.
or die.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

R u there?

As I'm driving North (what's new) today, I was entertaining myself with an audio CD and the author was speaking about being present in the here and now - a much-discussed and practiced idealogy in my yoga classes. Just as she says, "Right here. Right now." I notice a big-wheeler on the side of the road and the driver must have been checking something in the back because he flung open the rear door. There - in big, bold, blue graffiti letters this message awaited me....."R u there?"
I scribble.
(The ever-popular notes to self.)
Here's what the author had for me next (loosely quoted).......
"As humans, we are much like fish......we are always trying to squirm away from some distress or flopping around, hungrily seeking never-ending pleasure.
So I ask you......"R YOU there?"

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009


ay, the synergy

"like nothing ever"


is Me

"beware-d" or not

the risk lies in

an illusion

wired hot

be zapped by the surge

grasping, seizing

life force


reenacted screams

of a girl

as she


to a shredded hem

dragged, and then left

never to return


Saturday, June 27, 2009

One of my *many* goals/dreams

Your skill as a yoga teacher is not in teaching your students sophisticated technical asanas. It is in your application of yoga as a breakthrough practice for overcoming personal inhibitions, fears, and insecurities. It is in fearlessly communicating to each one of your students their greatest possibility, to see themselves as DIVINITY. It is by being in the passion and fire of yoga. ~amrit desai~